VS Code - shortcut to increase/decrease font size keyboard shortcut
When click "Command + plus", default command for VS Code is to enlarge the overall UI.
However, I don't want that action. I only wants the font (code) size increase, instead everything.
Step 1 - go to settings
Cmd + Shift + P Search for "Preferences: Open Keyboard Shortcut (JSON)"
Step 2 - paste the command below
// Place your key bindings in this file to override the defaults [ { "key": "cmd+numpad_add", "command": "editor.action.fontZoomIn" }, { "key": "shift+cmd+=", "command": "workbench.action.zoomIn" }, { "key": "cmd+=", "command": "editor.action.fontZoomIn" }, { "key": "cmd+numpad_subtract", "command": "editor.action.fontZoomOut" }, { "key": "shift+cmd+-", "command": "workbench.action.zoomOut" }, { "key": "cmd+-", "command": "editor.action.fontZoomOut" }, { "key": "cmd+numpad0", "command": "editor.action.fontZoomReset" }, { "key": "cmd+0", "command": "editor.action.fontZoomReset" }, ]
Adjust code font size
Command + -
Command + +Adjust VScode UI
Command + Shift + -
Command + Shift + +Ref: https://code.visualstudio.com/updates/v1_24#_font-zoom-commands
Ref: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/33701933/how-to-change-environments-font-size